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"Part-Time Artist, Full-Time Silly"

Hi! I'm Kappanana, your average banana loving artist in town~ I specialize in animated pfps and banners, but I also offer my service in custom illustration and stickers! Nice to meetcha!Below are several links to keep in touch with me, along with more things below such as my commission workflow, my portofolio, and my terms & conditions!

How Does Kappa Work?

Kappa and client discuss things regarding commission, such as what to draw, what is the drawing going to be used for, whether it's commercial or private or public, etc. Once an agreement is made, client may proceed to payment before Kappa starts the sketch! Payments are done upfront, but when Kappa says it's necessary, 50/50 is also a solid option!

Kappa will proceed on the initial sketch; it is recomended to give a bit of freedom for Kappa (Kappa powers up with extra freedom!). Once the sketch is done, Kappa will show the sketch to the client, and if client approves, Kappa will continue while updating client from time to time! Client may ask for revisions thrice during the sketching phase before rendering starts!

After finishing, Kappa will show client the final result of the artwork! Client may request for minor changes like colors, before finalizing the commission. Once client approved of the commission, Kappa will send the PNG/GIF of the artwork via Drive/Mail!And huzzah! Kappa will be eating tons of bananas that day!

What Could Kappa Do?

Kappa could draw lots and lots of things! Here are some brief list of what Kappa REALLY loves to work on!

  • Witches! Magical silly people!

  • Ducks! Little wobbly goofballs!

  • Animated PFP that is whacky, cute and fun!

  • Silly expressions!

But there are always things that Kappa avoids; they are not fun to work on and could take quite a toll on Kappa! These things are:

  • Sensitive topics such as politics

  • Fetishes and anything NSFW

  • Gore. A lot of them.

  • Robots and heavy machinery

  • Non-Fiction

Animated PFP

Simple animated PFPs, fully shaded, 256*256 px in size (which is the best size for pfp by the way!). Animated fully in pixel art software Aseprite for maximum quality. Starts from $100, increases based on complexity! Kappa's personal favorite!

Animated Banners

Simple animated banner for Discord, fully shaded, 600*240 px in size (recomended size by Discord!). Animated fully in pixel art software Aseprite for maximum quality. Starts from $100, increases based on complexity!If you want a banner but not animated, you can make a request for illustration instead!

Custom Illustration & Stickers

Kappa could also work on custom illustrations and silly stickers! Custom illustration starts at $30 for a portrait, all the way to $50 for full body! A fully rendered illustration with background starts at $100, and as usual, fluctuates according to the number of details/complexity.Stickers starts at $25, while the animated version starts at $30! Keep in mind that the more complex, the more pricy they could be. Stickers are drawn in 128*128 or 256*256 px!


Lastly, custom character design! If you wish to create a character of your own with Kappa's goofy artstyle, you're in luck! A sheet like shown below starts at $120; anything further than this would require lots of discussion beforehand. But in general, a fullbody would cost +$40, and an expression would cost +$30. The additional price listed are for designs that had a simpler approach, so keep that in mind!

What Are Kappa's Terms?

This contract applies to the artist further called Seller and person or institution further called Customer purchasing from Seller a work of art further called Product. By ordering Product from the Seller the Customer agrees to the following terms and conditions:

Condensed Terms of Service

1. Orders are paid upfront.
2. Product will be delivered digitally.
3. Seller will not be responsible for loss of product once it has been delivered.
4. Customer has right to three complete revisions in the sketching phase.
5. Customer has right to reasonable amounts of minor edits after completion (I.E eye color change)
6. Must be paid in USD
7. Customer can ask for a refund on orders with no progress for 14 days, or when work has not been completed within 28 days.
8. Customer is required to contact the Seller in a fast and responsive manner.
9. Products cannot be used for commercial use without additional fees.
10. Given with unexpected circumstances, Seller can cancel and refund any order at any time.
11. Customer does not hold the right to use the product in any blockchain-related technology, including NFTs, cryptocurrency, or future inventions in the space.
12. Customer does not hold the right to use the product in any AI-related technology, including submitting for datasets, and any future inventions in the space.

Detailed Terms of Service


1. Customer agrees to pay the due amount upfront for any orders of value lower or equal to $100.
2. On orders above $100, Customer agrees to pay half the invoice total upfront. The other half has to be paid on approval of the initial sketch.
3. Any other payment schedule has to be mutually agreed before work on the Product commences.
4. Customer accepts that work on the Product will not commence until payment has been received by Seller according to the above schedule.
5. Certain types of work do not allow for a split payment. In such cases customer will be informed about this and will be asked to agree on a different payment schedule, before any work can commence.


6. Customer agrees that Product will be delivered digitally to email address provided by Customer, after the final payment has been received by the Seller.
7. Any other method of delivery, either digital or physical, has to be mutually agreed before the work commences. Customer is obliged to bear any costs incurred by alternative delivery method, such as postal costs, material costs, digital service subscription fees etc.
8. It is sole responsibility of Customer to propose delivery method which works for both parties. Seller cannot be held accountable for Customer's loss of access to the delivery method, loss of delivered files, impediments such as spam filters or any other technical obstacles outside responsibility of the Seller.
8b. Upon delivery of the product, it is the Customer's responsibility to store it properly. Loss of product due to negligence will not be reimbursed by the Seller. Seller can not guarantee that the original copy of the product will be available in the case that the Customer lost their files.


9. Customer has the right to 3 complete revisions in the sketching phase.
10. Customer has right to a reasonable number of minor edits after completion, such as changing an eye color or fixing a small detail, up to an additional 10% of the total time spent on creating the originally delivered Product. Any requests above that, however minor, will require a prior mutual agreement and will result in a proportional increase of order value. Any such increase will be invoiced separately. Work on any such excessive requests will not commence until the payment for the additional invoice(s) has been received.


11. Customer agrees to pay the total amount specified in USD.
12. It is the sole responsibility of Customer to bear any currency conversion costs, bank transfer fees, payment provider service fees and any other costs involved in transferring funds to the Seller.
13. Payment is considered as received and completed only when total amount received on Seller's USD account is equal to the invoice amount in USD.


14. Customer has right to request a full refund if there's been no progress for two consecutive weeks, or when Product has not been completed within four weeks. Refund conditions for commissions which require more work must be agreed separately, before the work commences. These provisions exclude work interruptions caused by unforeseen circumstances such as illness, accident or any other credibly documented reason for interruption of work.
15. Customer obliges to contact the Seller in a fast and responsive manner, responding swiftly to any requests for comments, clarifications, opinions, validation of progress etc. Lack of timely communication on behalf of Customer will be recognized as implicit approval of all work progress and current state of the Product.


16. The Product received by Customer is for personal use. Any use of the Product for commercial purposes, reselling it, reproduction or publishing for reasons other than personal purposes has to be approved beforehand by the Seller. This will require a separate agreement between Customer and Seller defining exact conditions and financial implications of such use of the Product.
Customer does not hold the right to use the product in any blockchain-related technology, including NFTs, cryptocurrency, or future inventions in the space.
In addition, Customer does not hold the right to use the product for AI datasets or for AI tools and any present or future inventions in the space.


17. Seller reserves every right to refuse or cancel any order, under condition of full refund, without giving reasons to Customer.
18. Any disrespectful behaviour will not be tolerated and may result in a cancellation of the order. Customer will receive full or partial refund depending on amount of work completed. Seller will have full right to refuse any service to the Customer in the future.

Kappa is impressed that you read all of that. Even Kappa doesn't like to read it. Here, have a banana chocolate chip cookie!

The Evolution of Kappanana

10 Million Years Ago

Banaditus Legusia

2 Million Years Ago

Banakappa Armeria

1 Million Years Ago

Kappasaurus Rex


Is This Kevin???

